
You can control the simulations using two toolbars. The lower toolbar changes the settings of replaying the animation: you can change its speed, quality. These icons have no effect on the animation itself, they merely changes the replay. Here you will find the icon that changes the perspective of the observer and the target object. The title of the icon reflects what happens if you click on it. You can change the title after you click it. The parameters of the observer are shown in yellow.

Restart Stops and restarts the animation
Play/Pause Toggles the animation between play and pause
Center/Corner Moves the reference clock to the center/corner
Earth/Blue Plane/Red Plane Changes the position of the observer to the earth/blue plane/red plane
Redraw Redraws the picture (not automatic!)
Box/Grid/Boxes/Train Changes the object to box/grid/boxes/train
Grid/Picture Changes the object to grid / picture
Faster/Slower Speeds up/slows the animation
Zoom in/Zoom out Zooms in/out by 0.1
High Q/Low Q Sets the quality of the drawing to high/low

You can set the parameters of the simulations with the upper buttonbar. You can use the icons to change the values or you can type them in directly. Hit "Enter" after typing in a new value. If you've changed the parameters, the simulation will stop and reset automatically. (Except in case of the 'Fast moving object'.)  You can set the speed in relation to the speed of light. Distance is measured in light years in case of the 'Twin paradox', and in light seconds in case of the 'Fast moving object'. The box's edges are 200 units each.
Inc beta/Dec beta increases/decreases the speed of the aircraft
Inc beta B/Dec beta B increases/decreases the speed of the blue aircraft
Inc beta R/Dec beta R increases/decreases the speed of the red aircraft
Farther/Nearer increases/decreases the distance